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Installed Trigger Plate and Trigger:

Inlet the trigger plate into the stock. Then I drilled thru the plate and the barrel tang using my jig for a 8 x 32 tang bolt. The rear end of the plate was secured with a #4 wood screw. 2010-05-05 001.JPG (241479 bytes)2010-05-05 002.JPG (241590 bytes)







To hold the trigger in place, I drilled a 3/32" hole thru the stock in the lock area where the pivot on the trigger is located. Marked the trigger and then drilled the trigger. 2010-05-05 004.JPG (208649 bytes) Then I use a nail for my pin thru the stock.2010-05-05 003.JPG (242161 bytes)







Cut the pin down; beveled the ends with a flat spot on the end of the pin to make it easier for pushing it out later. 2010-05-05 006.JPG (228937 bytes)

Thru a series of trials, I filed down the top flat of the trigger which engaged the sear on the lock, so it would hold fast at Safety position, but release nicely at full cock. 


    Click HERE to see it in action. (Note; movie is a 4 MB file)







Hoot AL Rifle Shop

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