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Breech & Tang Inletted:

The end of the barrel channel was squared up and the rear wall was flat to the end of the barrel.

2006-11-19 001.JPG (257323 bytes)Once the end of the barrel channel was done, the breech was added to the barrel. With the breech properly aligned with the top flat, the bottom flat of the breech was leveled with the bottom of the 2006-11-24 002.JPG (162096 bytes)barrel.  Then using a chisel, two marks are made into both the breech and the barrel as alignment marks when the breech is removed later for installation of the drum into the barrel.  (Photo at right was taken after the drum was added.)





Then the barrel with tang was inletted into the stock.

2006-11-19 002.JPG (242361 bytes)

Next the end of the breech plug inside the barrel was determined by using a ramrod dowel stuck down the barrel and a mark was placed onto the outside flat of the barrel in the area where the drum will go later.  This allowed me to position the lock to determine where the lock panel would be positioned.  I added about an inch in front and behind the lock panel. Made a mark and then using a 5/32" bit, I 2006-11-19 007.JPG (210020 bytes)traced lines on either side of the barrel, in front of the lock panels on either side of the stock. The width of the stock in the lock panels was 1/32" thicker than the lock bolster.  This allows for opportunities to flatten and even out the panels later. 


With the stock now narrowed down, I will pin the barrel.

See Pinning The Barrel:


Hoot AL Rifle Shop

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