Muzzle Loading & Black Powder
Guns Kits, Parts, Accoutrements:
(This is where my
supplies come from) (Click
on the links below)
of the Wolf" For the last ten years I've been
buying a lot of my parts through this company up in Minnesota way.
They have a great web site catalog to explore and are great people to do business
with. The service is prompt and very courteous.
Builder Supply
Been buying parts from
them when they were owned by Don Eads, then Susie Bicio. Now Ryan Roberts and
Terry Jo Mann owns the business and is really working hard by expanding the company and
developed a website for their catalog business. They offer the largest and most
complete line of custom handmade patchboxes, toeplates, sideplates, and all
the other pieces and parts it takes to complete your own muzzleloading rifle
or pistol in traditional or contemporary styling.
Phone: (208) 397-3008
Toll Free (877) 397-3008
Muzzleloader Builders Supply
P.O. Box 848
Aberdeen, ID 83210
Builders Supply
Jim Chambers
Flintlocks, Ltd., 116 Sam's Branch Rd., Candler, NC 28715 .
If you want the world's premier rifle kit or a lock, Jim has just what
you need!! This is the home of Siler Locks.
Arms Co. is the only source for exclusive Pioneer Mule Ear lock
and various other items. You can find tomahawks to rifle cases.

(200 South Front Street, Montezuma, Iowa 50171-1000) Greatest gunsmith supplier on the planet!
born and bred, too!!
Gun Works, Inc.",
(Box 130, Union City, TN 38281)
This is the
"mother-lode" of muzzleloading supply houses!
" Log Cabin Shop
"Box 275, Lodi, Ohio 44254 A family tradition that has become an institution! And vice-versa!
Jack's Stock
Shop & Custom Muzzleloading Rifles, (Box 890, CR 400, Corinth, MS
38834) (662-286-5014 FAX: 662-286-4253) Jack Garner was the
original owner of TVM , an old friend of "Bookie" and the Master
Gunsmith who signed off on my Journeyman status.. I get wood and parts
from him on occasion and he makes a hell of a rifle. "Bookie"
says, "I ain't ever
got beat dealin' with Jack. Give him a call."
My Good Friends:
Bookout ("Bookie")
is a Master Gunsmith who taught me the craft and he is my best friend. Steve's been a long time friend for over 25 years.
Steve is a descendant of the Bean
family and his specialty is building "Hog Rifles" and "Iowa
Rifles". He has
his own shop called "Toad
Hall Rifle Shop" and back behind his shop he has the "Yeller Cat
Forge". It's in the forge where we get even more creative in making
the butt plates, trigger guards, etc. for our rifle furniture. Steve's
written a good treatise on gunmaker's tips you will have to check out on his
Henrik Jørgen
Elmer is an avid black powder enthusiast and a very capable gunsmith.
He is also, one of my good friends who happens to live in Denmark. Henrik has built some handsome muzzleloaders his shop on the island of
Lolland and now has a personal web page to record the process of a longrifle
under construction. In the photo, Henrik is shooting my pistol "Hoot"
at our monthly shoot last Summer. He out shot me with my own pistol! Of
course, him being a Pistol Champion in Denmark, probably helped too.
Besides being the head of the Danish national organization, Danske
Sortkrudtsskytter, (that translates into the Danish Black Powder
Shooters, the equivalent of our NMLRA) , he's also the foreman of the local shooting club De
Falsterske Sortkrudtsskytter and they have a great site. This site also has an English language page.
for your information, Denmark furnished one of our heroes of the Alamo - Lt.
Charles Zanco! He's the fellow who put the star on the Texas flag!
We hold annual blackpowder shoots between the Denmark blackpowder club and our
club, the Buck Crik Muzzleloaders. We call it our annual "Zanco"
shoot. We have a traveling trophy and this has been going on for the last
four years, now.
Sites To Check Out:
line of Indian & Mountain Man craft supply & craft kits. Your Mountain
Man Rendezvous, camp & shooter craft supply source. 118 pg full-color
catalog- 6000+ items in our online store.
Check out this very extensive site that
should have something for anyone that has even a remote interest in the
black powder era, including Old West Cowboy Shooting. Doc Wilson has used a magic wand on this one!
Consider joining the Contemporary
Longrifle Association.
If you are a builder/artist or collector, this
organization will be right up your alley! Check out their web
site. This organization
is dedicated to keeping the art of the longrifle alive! You kin find a
write-up on both Bookie an' me on this site!
" is a great magazine and they have a fantastic discussion web page
to discuss everything from hunting, shooting, camping and history. Check out
their web site.
The magazine is nothing to ignore either. Good articles by Mike Nesbitt,
"Prime Possibles". Check 'em out!

Join the
National Muzzleloading Rifle Association NMLRA ~ Today!!!
Get the Muzzle Blasts Magazine. They review original and
contemporary gunbuilders and you love reading the informative articles from the
Bevel Brothers.
Hoot AL Rifle Shop
you like the site or have any questions, drop me a line by clicking on
"Hoot" below.
Copyright 2005. All Rights Reserved.