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Install Sideplate Bolt & Sideplate:

I located the best position for the front bolt to pass thru the stock ahead of the lock and into the lock itself. Then I drilled a hole into the lock with a no. 29 drill bit. I used this bit because I wanted to use a no. 8 bolt. The rear bolt for the lock was a no. 10. By doing this, it simplifies which bolt goes where.  After the hole was drilled into the lock, I repositioned the lock back into the stock. Then I drilled thru the lock with the no. 29 bit thru the stock to the other side.  The lock was removed and I used a 13/64 inch bit to drill again thru the stock in the same hole. This provided a clearance hole for the bolt and the tap to thread the lock. The lock was reinstalled in the stock and using a 8x32 thread tap, I tapped the hole in the lock from the other side of the stock. 

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Here are the bolts installed. 

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The side plate was oversized. I drilled a passage hole for the no. 10 bolt for the rear bolt in the sideplate. Mounted the sideplate with the no. 10 bolt in the stock for positioning purposes only.  I pushed a 13/64 inch drill bit thru the front hole in the stock. This scratched the back side of the sideplate to provide a location for the front bolt. I measured half the with of the sideplate to position the hole in the plate in the center. 

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With the front hole drilled, I marked the leading edge of the sideplate around the front bolt head. 

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Now the plate is to the proper dimensions. 

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The side plate was inletted into the stock. 

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