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Install Hunter Star:

The following photos show the process of installation: 

_20200517_1511.JPG (100577 bytes)  _20200517_1512.JPG (87890 bytes)

I had made a die for the silver nails. I drilled a hole the thickness of the nails. Then I drilled a slightly larger hole at the top of the same hole. When the nail is pushed down the die hole, the head of the nail mushrooms out. For this reason I slightly countersink the holes in the hunter star.

_20200517_1513.JPG (116945 bytes)  _20200517_1514.JPG (125132 bytes)  _20200517_1518.JPG (114546 bytes)

_20200517_1519.JPG (91588 bytes)  _20200517_1520.JPG (97459 bytes)


Hoot AL Rifle Shop

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