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Fabricate And Install The Patch Boxes:

The rifle stocks are smaller than normal and regular patch boxes would be too large. So I had to take photo copies of the patch boxes and reduce them in size to fit the stocks. Then I used these patterns to make the patch boxes for the rifles. The patterns were glued to the German silver and brass then they were cut out.

If you want to know how to make the hinged patch box lid, go to this link: Patch Box Build

Here are photos of the process:

_20221116_1625.JPG (113561 bytes) _20221124_1628.JPG (122135 bytes) _20221125_1630.JPG (45650 bytes)

_20221130_1633.JPG (103631 bytes)  

  _20221126_1632.JPG (34286 bytes) _20221203_1635.JPG (27870 bytes)


Hoot AL Rifle Shop

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