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Install Trigger Guard:
To simplify this section, I stole from another area on my
website the following instructions. The steps are same as what I used.
Before installing the trigger
guard, I clean it up using needle files and sand paper backed with a Popsicle stick or small dowel. I use 60-80 grit to remove the file marks and work my way
up to 300 grit for now.
position the triggerguard over the set triggers. With a pencil, I mark out where
the two tabs are on the guard, onto the stock. Also, you need to draw a center
line down the stock to center the guard on the belly of the stock. You will
note, I drew lines down the side of the stock for the rear tab. This
gives me a proper perspective on how to angle the drill when drilling the holes.
I use masking tape on the bit to
limit my depth.
Use a "V" carving tool
along the line the tab is positioned. Then drill a hole to the depth of the
tab. A series of holes are drilled along the line. I generally will drill
a hole at each end of the line and then drill the remainder of the holes between
to remove as much wood as necessary. Using my knife and chisels, I remove the
wood from the slotted hole. Then I continue to inlet the trigger guard
into the stock about 1/32". Once fully seated, I clamped the guard into the
stock firmly and then I drilled a hole thru the stock, the tab on the guard and
out thru the other side of the stock. In this case, I wanted to conceal the pin
inside the lock panel area.
Here is a photo of the
"V" channel for the rear tab.
Then I drilled the holes along
this line. With
the wood removed, I then inlet the rear end of the guard into the stock. I
measured the depth of the tab and transferred this to the stock.
This aided me in knowing the height of the tab. Next I drafted the incised
line I want to put along the lower edge of the butt stock and drilled my hole
for the rear tab slightly above this line. The higher I put the pin, the
stronger the rear trigger guard will be secured.
Here is another view of the
trigger guard in position.
Hoot AL Rifle Shop
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