Tang Bolt Installation: To install the tang bolt thru the tang and down into the trigger plate, the bolt must be perpendicular to the trigger plate. Once this is done, they say, "the rifle is buttoned up." I use a ruler and draw a line along the outside of the stock. Then I run the line across the tang. This is the location for the upper hole in the tang. Using a pointed punch, I peen a mark half way across the tang to center the bolt hole in the tang. For the trigger plate I do the same. Additionally I will drill a shallow hole in the trigger plate. I use this hole to hold the rifle in position on top of my tang bolt jig. (See Tang Bolt Jig in the Tips & Aids section on how to make it.) Using the line along the outside of the stock as a guide, I position the rifle on the drill and drill thru the tang down till I touch the back side of the trigger plate. Then I remove the rifle, flip it over and now with the tang hole resting on the tang bolt jig, I drill thru the shallow hole in the trigger plate to mate up the two holes. In this case, I was using a 8x32 tang bolt. the initial drill thru the tang and the trigger plate was a #29 drill bit. Then I would flip the rifle back up with the tang back on top and drill down using a clearance drill bit(3/16") down to the top of the trigger plate and not thru the plate. Now I can remove the rifle from the drill and using a 8x32 tap down thru the tang I can tap the trigger plate for the tang bolt. If you want to use a 10x32 tang bolt, use a #21 drill bit and a clearance drill bit - 13/64". Then a 10x32 tap down thru the tang to the trigger plate. The bolt will extend beyond the trigger plate when finished. I use a triangular file to mark the side of the bolt and then cut it off and grind the end of the bolt to make it rounded. Hoot AL Rifle Shop If
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