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Inletting The Butt Plate: 

To locate the butt plate, we had to take a measurement of Bill's pull length.  We measured from the inside of his elbow to the first knuckle of his right index finger. Came to 14".  We measured 14" from the trigger to the rear end of  the stock. 

The butt plate was laid down, so the backside of the butt plate aligned up with this mark. The top of the butt plate was laid even with the top of the comb of the stock. Pencil traced along the inside of the plate.  Next we cut out the butt plate section from the stock. 

Important to first inlet the plate down flat onto the stock, then inlet the plate going forward, removing wood slowly as you do. 

Here is the butt plate taped onto the stock, this will protect the end of the stock, too. 2006-09-30 017.JPG (164612 bytes)








Hoot AL Rifle Shop

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