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I polished the sand casted thimbles. This was done to two opposing sides and then the section between them.  Used a needle file for this process. 2010-03-14 004.JPG (246885 bytes)    2010-03-14 003.JPG (264815 bytes)








The thimbles were inletted into the stock and drilled for 1/16" pins. 2010-03-14 008.JPG (190503 bytes)

2010-03-14 007.JPG (202454 bytes)


Here is the rear thimble.  The slot was drilled out and then I laid the thimble on top of the area for final placement. I will have to inlet the rear thimble when I return. 

2010-03-14 009.JPG (233063 bytes)  2010-03-14 010.JPG (232025 bytes) 







Rear thimble is now inletted. 2010-03-25 009.JPG (137749 bytes)






Here are a couple photos of the rifle hanging on the wall at this stage. 

2010-03-14 012.JPG (129166 bytes)   2010-03-14 011.JPG (167365 bytes)






Hoot AL Rifle Shop

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