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Trigger Guard Modification & Inletted:

2006-12-10 028.JPG (217265 bytes)

The original trigger guard was rather bulky for this youth rifle and was not in character for this Virginia rifle. 





Since I did have a Grandstaff trigger guard that I had repaired and keep it in my shop for reference, I decided to modify this trigger guard to resemble the Grandstaff guard. 2006-12-10 034.JPG (214659 bytes)

With a lot of filing, this is what I ended up with.

Not perfect, but we do not want perfection as I only wanted to typify the guard, not copy it totally.












Before I could inlet the guard, I had to shape the  forearm belly and lay out both the lock side panel and the opposite side of the stock. 

2006-12-10 022.JPG (169287 bytes) 

2006-12-10 015.JPG (242322 bytes)

To do this, I removed the lock and laid a piece of paper on to the lock area and traced out the lock panel area after I removed the surrounding wood. Then I cut out the traced paper and laid it on the other side of the stock. Traced out the wood and removed the surrounding wood.


2006-12-10 017.JPG (237525 bytes)

2006-12-10 018.JPG (254341 bytes)







2006-12-10 023.JPG (220577 bytes)

After the wood was removed I divided the belly of the forearm into fifths and started rounding the belly. This will be the area where the trigger guard will be installed.2006-12-10 044.JPG (224901 bytes)

Here I held the guard up to the stock for fit.





Here you can see the roundness of the belly and the locations where I marked the slots to be drilled to for the triggerguard tabs to be inletted into the stock. I measured the thickness of the tabs, and matched this to my drill bit. 2006-12-10 046.JPG (258247 bytes)Using tape on the bit, I drilled to the depth of the tabs.  Once the holes were drilled and slots cleaned out, the guard was inlet to a depth of 1/32". The forward tab was drilled and pinned with a 1/16" pin and then the rear tab was drilled and pinned the same way. 2006-12-10 049.JPG (197073 bytes)

2006-12-10 048.JPG (188799 bytes) 





2006-12-10 050.JPG (187387 bytes)







For kicks and giggles, I started shaping the butt stock, too.

2006-12-10 045.JPG (247306 bytes)







Hoot AL Rifle Shop

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