Inletting The Trigger Guard:
Since the fore-end of the trigger guard extends up past the end of the ramrod, I selected to mount the trigger guard to the trigger plate. This way, the tang bolt that holds the trigger plate in place, can also secure the front end of the trigger guard, too. To do this, I located exactly where the trigger guard will be positioned in relationship to the trigger plate. (Note: I moved the trigger plate toward the lock to make is easier operate the lock. Thus it is off center.) I also noted the location
Now with the hole drilled, I removed heated and removed the trigger plate from the trigger guard. Then I drilled a passage hole thru the trigger plate for the screw and coned the hole for the screw head. The trigger guard was placed level into a vise and then the hole was tapped with a 6 x 32 tap and finished with a bottoming tap of the same size. The screw was shorted to the depth of the hole and then the two pieces were screwed together. Here is another view of the whole assembly.
Now the front end of the trigger guard is
inlet into the forearm of the stock. Also you need to make adjustments to the
make sure
With the front end of the guard in place, I
now look at the rear Once located, I drill a 1/16" hole into the guard on my drill press. Remount the guard and clamp the guard into position. Then I drill a 1/16" hole thru the pilot hole in the guard into the the stock. Remove the guard and make a passage hole thru the guard for the screw and coned the hole for the screw head. With the guard mounted to the stock, I inlet the rear portion of the guard into the stock.
To remove the guard, first remove
the rear wood screw, then
With the trigger guard now installed, I'll install the Wooden Patchbox Lid.
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