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Trigger Guard Installation: (Click on photos to enlarge images.)

Before the guard can be installed, the guard had to be cleaned up. It was a sand cast part and was pretty rough and barely resembled a trigger guard.  I had made a trigger guard holder out of 1/4" steel and it worked great in holding the guard for filing and cleaning up. DSC00016sb.JPG (112344 bytes)

 DSC00014sb.JPG (166944 bytes) 

DSC00018sb.JPG (151895 bytes)After laying the guard up against the stock for proper location, I then marked out on the stock whereto inlet the two tabs on the guardDSC00019sb.JPG (167060 bytes) into the stock. I drew a line down the center of the stock. (Note, the set triggers were intentional off set toward the lock area. This makes a better engagement of the lock sear with the triggers and moves the trigger closer to the shooter's finger.)



Drilled holes into the stock the same depth as the tabs, plus 1/16", since the guard will be inletted into the stock.  Before inletting the stock, the edges of the guard were beveled to make for a better inlet into the stock. DSC00022sb.JPG (202536 bytes)

Then the guard is placed onto the stock  and using a knife, I started inletting the front of the guard into the stock first. When the guard wDSC00031sb.JPG (215104 bytes)as inletted down to the top of the beveled slope I stopped.  Then the guard was clamped and the stock was drilled in the lock area for the 1/16" holding pin. (Note, take careful measurements to ensure you hit the tab on the guard.



This is where I hit the tab. DSC00026sb.JPG (165935 bytes)

I inlet the rear tab on the guard the same way, then drilled the hole for the 1/16" holding pin.  DSC00029sb.JPG (177380 bytes)(Note, I measured down 1/4", so the pin will end up in the molding line along the lower edge of the buttstock.



Here is where the hole is in the rear tab of the guard.

DSC00056sb.JPG (163806 bytes)

Now the trigger guard is inletted into the stock.

DSC00034sb.JPG (119253 bytes)





Hoot AL Rifle Shop

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