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Hand-Forged Trigger:

I took a piece of 3/32" steel bar and peened it with my hammer to make the trigger. 2006-12-03 008.JPG (186306 bytes)2006-12-03 009.JPG (232211 bytes)







Then I laid the trigger material next to the rifle and drew the basic shape of the trigger. (Note: I did not keep the original design).

2006-12-03 014.JPG (192318 bytes)I wanted to hinge the trigger within 3/8" of the 2006-12-03 013.JPG (231406 bytes)sear arm.  This makes for an easier pull. Using a hacksaw, I cut out the basic shape of the trigger and put it next to the rifle again.

I drew lines across the bottom of the stock to indicate the width of the trigger. Then drew a center line down the belly of the stock. Between the two lines, I cut a "V" groove and drilled a series of 3/32" holes to the depth of the trigger into the stock.  Using my chisels and knives, I removed the wood. 

Next I pinned the trigger into the stock with a 1/16" pin.  Note the trigger is too long right now, but I will shorten it later. 

2006-12-03 015.JPG (238894 bytes) With this done, I now need a trigger plate.  2006-12-03 023.JPG (248886 bytes)Since this gun is unique, I had to make special trigger plate. Thought I would have a feather on a ball. I drew and cut it out of 3/32" thick brass.  Here you can see the piece of steel I plan to solder to the back side of the plate after it is inletted. This will strengthen the trigger plate for the tang bolt later. 



Here the plate is cut out and inletted into the stock. 2006-12-03 024.JPG (215999 bytes) Now I soldered the steel to the backside of the plate. 2006-12-03 027.JPG (170972 bytes)





With the steel soldered onto the plate, the plate was re-inlet into the stock again. 

2006-12-03 029.JPG (224104 bytes)You can see I have shortened the trigger at this point, too. 

Now I want to install the tang bolt. First I drill a2006-12-03 030.JPG (146245 bytes) 3/32" hole dead center in the trigger plate I want the tang bolt to pass thru.  This will aid in positioning the rifle for drilling the tang hole.  




I used my tang bolt drilling jig. 2006-12-03 031.JPG (210914 bytes) For more information on using this, see the Tips & Aids section under Tang Bolt Jig

Once the tang bolt (8 X 32) was drilled, the trigger plate was removed and a passage hole drilled thru the tang and the stock. Then the plate was reinstalled and tapped.




Due to the narrowness of the barrel tang, I had to mill the width of the tang bolt head to fit the tang. 2006-12-03 032.JPG (247557 bytes)

2006-12-03 046.JPG (257862 bytes)The excess length of the both extending thru the trigger plate was cut off as seen here.

With the trigger and tang bolt installed, next will be the butt plate.





Hoot AL Rifle Shop

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